
Esta pestaña consiste de todo el análisis que se ha hecho en nuestra área de interés. Secciones y enlaces como: Publicaciones, Estaciones Meteorológicas, el hub de GTASO, y mas.

Algunas cosas todavía están bajo desarrollo. Perdón por la espera.

Disturbios Forestales (Mapa de 2022)

Productividad Primaria y Evapotranspiración en Google Earth Engine/Tethys App

Páginas y Enlaces

Mapas Raster Anuales  Evapotranspiración, Temperatura de la Superficie y Precipitación

Cómo Generar Mapas Raster Anuales Evapotranspiración, Temperatura de la Superficie y Precipitación

Artículos Publicados/Publications:

  1. Reygadas et al. 2021. Mapping forest disturbances across the Southwestern Amazon: tradeoffs between open-source, Landsat-based algorithms. Environmental Research Communications. doi: 10.1088/2515-7620/ac2210/

  2. Salisbury, David Seward. 2022. Defensores indígenas resisten entre los caminos ilegales y la supervivencia de la selva Amazónica – las elecciones pueden ser decisivas. The Conversation. 10/11/2022.

  3. Flores de Melo, A. W., da Silva, S. Souza, Oliveira, I., Salisbury, D. S., Spera, S., Bordignon, L., Brown, F. (2022). “Impactos da Rodovia Proposta Cruzeiro do Sul-Pucallpa na Amazônia Sul-Occidental.” Em: Liesenfeld, M. V. de Athaydes et al. (Eds.), Ciências Ambientais na Amazônia , pp. 173-194. Stricto Sensu:

  4. Koga, D.M., Brown, I.F., Fearnside, P.M., Salisbury, D.S., & da Silva, S.S. (2022). Serra do Divisor National Park: A protected area under threat in the southwestern Brazilian Amazon. Environmental Conservation 49: 74-82. [open access]

  1. Reygadas Langarica, Yunuen, Stephanie Spera, and David Salisbury. "The impact of forest conditions on water recycling across the Southwestern Amazon." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. Vol. 2021. 2021.


  2. Reygadas Langarica, Y., et al. "Mapping Forest Disturbances Across the Southwestern Amazon: Evaluation and Comparison of Optical Remote Sensing Algorithms." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. Vol. 2020. 2020.ández, H. T., Salisbury, D. S., Barnard, L., Spera, S. (2022). The Geolocation of Social Media Posts about the proposed UC-105/Interoceanica Centro Road in the Amazon borderlands of Peru. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting; Virtual; February 25-March 1, 2022. New York, NY.

  3. Place, M. R., Salisbury, D. S., Reygadas Langarica, Y., Spera, S.A. in collaboration with the Comisión Transfronteriza Juruá/Yurúa/Tamaya (2022). A Transboundary Indigenous Congress, Commission, and Declaration: Forests, Villages, and Climate in the Amazon Borderlands.  American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Topics in Remote Sensing Virtual Poster Session, Feb. 25 – March 1, 2022, New York, NY.

  4. Frisbie, A., Spera, S., Salisbury, D. S. (2022). The Potential Effects of Transboundary Road-Building in the Southwestern Amazon Shared by Peru and Brazil. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting; Virtual; February 25-March 1, 2022. New York, NY.

  5. Demaret, D., Murtaugh, S. Zizzamia, E., Salisbury, D. S., Spera, S. (2022). Tracking and Analysis of Informal Road Expansion in the Amazon Borderlands of Peru and Brazil. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting; Virtual Poster Session: Land Use, Food Systems, and Agricultural Geography, February 25, 2022, New York, NY.

  6. Collard, E., Herrenkohl, E., Salisbury, D. S., Abizaid, C., Collado-Panduro, L. A., Spera, S. (2022). COVID-19 within Indigenous Communities of the Peruvian Amazon: An Ucayali Case Study. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting: Hazards, Risks, and Disasters Session Feb 26, 2022, New York, NY.  Also presented on 9/17/2022 at the Acute Care and Systems Strengthening in Low Resource Settings (ACCESS) 2022 Symposium Strengthening Global Health Efforts in the COVID Era, at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA.

  7. Anderson, K. M., Spera, S., Salisbury, D. S. (2022).  Carbon Sink to Carbon Source: Fires, Deforestation, and Carbon Storage in the Southwestern Amazon. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting: Hazards, Risks, and Disasters Session Feb 26, 2022, New York, NY.

  8. Beech-Brown, E., Spera, S., Salisbury, D. S., Reygadas Langarica, Y. (2022). Using Planet Data and Google Earth Engine to Automate Mapping of Informal Roads in the Amazon Borderlands. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting; Virtual Poster Session: Land Use, Food Systems, and Agricultural Geography, February 25, 2022. New York, NY.

  9. LaRocca, S., Reygadas Langarica, Y., Spera, S., Salisbury, D., Galati, V. (2022). Increasing Variability of Wet and Dry Season Lengths in Southwestern Amazonia.  American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Hazards, Risks, and Disasters Virtual Poster Session, Feb. 26, 2022. New York, NY. 

  10. Barnard, L., Salisbury, D. S., Hernández, H. T., Spera, S. (2022). La Geolocalización de las Publicaciones de Facebook y Twitter sobre la Carretera Propuesta entre Pucallpa, Perú y Rio Branco, Brasil.  Preparado para la Conferencia de Geografía Latinoamericana (CLAG), University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, Enero 3-8, 2022. Español

  11. Hernández, H. T., Salisbury, D. S., Barnard, L., Spera, S. (2022). La Geolocalización de las Publicaciones de Facebook y Twitter sobre la Carretera Propuesta Trocha UC-105.  Preparado para la Conferencia de Geografía Latinoamericana (CLAG), University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, Enero 3-8, 2022. Español

  12. Frisbie, A., Collard, E., Zizzamia, E., Salisbury, D. S., Galati, V., Spera, S. (2021). Análisis de los Impactos Socio-Ambientales de dos Rutas de la Carretera Propuesta entre Pucallpa, Perú y Cruzeiro do Sul, Brasil. Adaptado de un Poster presentado en la Reunión Anual de la Asociación Americana de Geógrafos, Abril 7-11, 2021. Virtual, Seattle, WA, EEUU. Español; Português

  13. Place, M. R., Zizzamia, E., Salisbury, D. S., Galati, V., Spera, S. (2021). Análisis de los Impactos Socio-Ambientales de las Carretera Propuesta Trocha UC-105 entre Nuevo Italia y Puerto Breu, Ucayali, Perú. Adaptado de un Poster presentado en la Reunión Anual de la Asociación Americana de Geógrafos, Abril 7-11, 2021. Virtual, Seattle, WA, EEUU. Español; Português

  14. Frisbie, A., Collard, E., Zizzamia, E., Salisbury, D. S., Galati, V., Spera, S. (2021). Analysis of the socio-environmental impacts of the proposed transboundary highway between Pucallpa, Peru and Cruzeiro do Sul, Brazil. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, April 7-11, 2021.  Virtual, Seattle, WA. This poster won the First Place at the University of Richmond, A&S Student Symposium on April 16, 2021.

  15. Place, M. R., Zizzamia, E., Salisbury, D. S., Galati, V., Spera, S. (2021). Analysis of the socio-environmental impacts of a proposed highway in the Amazon borderlands of Peru. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, April 7-11, 2021. Virtual, Seattle, WA.